A short flânerie around the Altadena heights, passing two girls, arms loaded with library books and a gentleman walking and reading; happy that books are not dead or dying. Also passed a number of Immigrants Welcome signs, a discarded sofa, a neat row of nutcracker soldiers, a bright orange original mini with tires the size of a wheelbarrow’s, a pink bra hanging from an oak tree, a mare and her foal , and a SLOW sign that reminded me that life is good at walking pace, allows more time to contemplate.

“…there’s no greater service they can provide than creating imaginative worlds for audiences to contemplatively explore.”

Charles McNulty, LA Times, 12/31/2017

The they in the quote refers to theatre people but I like to think it can be extended to include all artists, and maybe at least this rambler.

Walking Project 101_contemplatively – Altadena from chris worland on Vimeo.